Tuesday, March 11, 2008

St. Patty's Day is this weekend?!?

We've known that we wanted to go to Dublin for St. Patty's Day since the beginning of February basically. Dublin does after all celebrate the saint's day second only to New York in the entire world. But did it occur to us to actually look into and book transport and accommodation when we decided this? Of course not, that would be too easy.

Originally we wanted to fly there because with Ryan Air so cheap, why not? Then early last weekend Brittany looks into the flights and there were none for Saturday. So we just agreed on our fall-back of taking the bus, which would be 4 1/2 hours on windy Irish roads . Sweet, right? So we kind of had the transport down, at that point we knew that the buses leave pretty regularly from the station, and you just buy your ticket when you get on.

Then it was down to where to sleep, for cheap, which was designated as my job. I' thought no problem, like. I'm a member of HostelWorld, it's not that hard to type in when, how many, and for how long. Definitely not so. Considering that Dublin is one of the most expensive cities in Europe and I was looking for three beds for this weekend: five days away and the weekend before St. Patrick's Day in Dublin no less, I was not all that excited about the task.

The first and cheapest hostel, in the center of Dublin, was available for both Sat and Sun. But then I caught the snag, there were only two beds. Crap. The next one was six miles out. Not bad just the idea of being outside the city wasn't so pleasing. The next cheapest hostel was close to 50 euro and further out of the city. Well for that price, I started looking at hotels then. Three hours later and a little help from Ber, I just gave up. Everything was too expensive and practically filling up before my eyes. I was going to wait and just look at it with the girls tomorrow. Well the next day a miracle definitely occurred: there was a cheap enough hostel close to the city center! We booked it without looking at the reviews.

So wish us luck that (a) the hostel is good, (b) we figure out what to do, and (c) we have an amazing time!!

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

You'll have tons of fun. I mean, I'm pretty sure Shan and I had a good time- from what we can remember... oooh excpet the airport the morning after...