Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Pi Day Celebration

Being friends with a math major definitely has its perks! Because we had to take the 8 o'clock bus to Dublin we weren't going to go out, thinking that way we would get a good night's sleep. Completely wrong.

The night started with an appetizer tray of grilled cheese sandwiches and spaghetti sauce, we were just trying to use up some of what was in the fridge. But then an hour later we were still hungry so we took a trip to Tesco, a supermarket, which as we were hungry, we got too much. We picked up potatoes and garlic and herb dressing, strawberries and ice cream, an apple-berry pie, pomegranate juice and sprite. Quite the mix, right?

So when we got back, we immediately had the pie and ice cream, which was delicious. Followed by the strawberries and ice cream. We did things just a little backwards, but that's ok.

Brittany dyed Christeen's hair while I made my garlic and herb mashed potatoes and famous popcorn. Which now that they figured out that I can cook, they were a little upset that I was holding out on them all this time. Ha ha. But during all this we were just chatting and listening to my completely random iTunes selection.

Once Christeen's hair was done, it was movie time. Which was another adventure all in itself. First we needed to agree on a movie, which after lots of suggestions it ended up being Hook. But then it was the quest to find which one of our sites had it. We spent most of the beginning talking about all the Peter Pan movies in general, and then about the different actors in Hook. For instance: in the latest PP movie, they had to rebuild the window four times because the boy who played Peter kept growing, the pirate sent to the boo box was Glen Close, and the boy who plays Rufio is also in Take the Lead. We didn't even get half way through because of starting it so late and waiting for the parts to load.

Although we only got around 3 hours of sleep, a girls' night in combined with pi day: priceless!


Lizzie said...

What does Pi mean though? and where is the juicy stuff about St. Paddy's Day in DUBLIN?

Chad said...

pi day?



Chad said...

more! more!